In an evening of diverse musical landscapes, Jessie Montgomery’s vibrant “Strum” is followed by the intimate chamber version of Copland’s iconic “Appalachian Spring,” evoking the spirit of American simplicity. The program also includes Webern’s arrangement of Bach’s intricate “Ricercar a 6” and concludes with the elegance of Mozart’s Symphony No. 38.
The Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera 2024-2025 Season and Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor Ari Pelto are generously underwritten by the Nancy and Hank Fisher Family Fund.
Performance Dates & Times
February 28, 2026
7:30 pm
Concert Information
ConductorGeorge Manahan
Jessie MONTGOMERY “Strum“
COPLAND Appalachian Spring (Chamber Version)
JS BACH Ricercar a 6, Musical Offering (Webern arrangement)
MOZART Symphony No. 38